Monday 9 September 2013

Day plus 44

Now in Banyuls-sur-Mer after 42 days continuous walking having missed out the three stages between El Serrat and Hospitalet-pres-l'Andorre so that I can get home for the wedding of a very close friend's son in Cornwall on the 14th.  I will type up my daily diary on my return to the UK and it will hopefully be published together with some photographs on Walkopedia.  I will also have available Viewranger tracks for some 40 days of the walk. I only ran out of battery power once when there were no refuges where I could recharge my batteries and no sun to charge my solar charger.  In fact I had superb weather for most of the journey and only got thoroughly wet once.

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear that. Hope you had fun the days without us ;-). Nina and I arrived in Banjuls on Wednesday, 4th. Did you climb Canigou? Hope to hear of you soon. Cheers Tobi
